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Vinde acum!C 300 4MATIC Limuzina Echipare standard Serie de șasiu (FIN) W1K2060471R094307 Serie de șasiu (VIN) W1KAF4HB5PR094307 Tip autovehicul...
Timis - TimisoaraMercedes-Benz C300 AMG Apple CarPlay Android Auto Asistent activ pentru pastrarea distantei DISTRONIC Preinstalare pentru transfer...
Vehicul în dotarea de bază de la producător: Vopsire: 885 Vopsea MANUFAKTUR alb Opalite bright Tapiţerie: 297 Piele in doua nuante rosu / negru Dotare opţională 16U...
MERCEDES Model G 400 d CLASA G STATION WAGON BROAD Culoare AMG Monza grau magno (054) Interior...
Ilfov - Otopeni# I M P O R T A N T # - INMATRICULAT 2024 - EU SUNT PROPRIETARUL MASINII IN ACTE ! - SE OFERA CERTIFICAT FISCAL PE LOC ! - Taxe Mici - Impozit anual - 126 LEI...
S 400 d 4MATIC W1K6F3DB9PA168185 Specificatia tehnica_ 0156703698 MB PKW Tip S 400 d 4MATIC Model constructiv: 223033 Vehicul in dotarea de baza de la producator EUR 99.453,78 Vopsire: 346 Vopsea metalizata negru Onyx 0,00 Tapiterie: 805 Piele Nappa bej Macchiato / gri Magma 350,00 Dotare optionala 01U Preinstalare pentru servicii navigatie 0,00 0B3 Produktionsstandort Fahrzeug Sindelfingen 0,00 0U1 Headunit pentru ECE (NTG 7) 0,00 14U Pachet integrare smartphone 0,00 16U Apple CarPlay 0,00 17U Android Auto 0,00 1B3 Modul de comunicatii pentru ECE 0,00 216 Punte spate directoare cu unghi de pana la 10° 1.300,00 21U Camera frontala pentru monitorizare trafic 0,00 228 Incalzire auxiliara 1.240,00 22U MBUX Entertainment 0,00 243 Asistent activ pentru mentinerea benzii de rulare 0,00 266 Asistent activ la virare 0,00 282 Functie de incarcare obiecte lungi 0,00 292 PRE-SAFE® Impuls lateral 0,00 2S0 Cod control multimedia 0,00 2U1 Grila radiator aerodinamica 0,00 2U8 Lichid de racire alternativ 0,00 301 Pachet fumatori 115,00 30U Functie de proiectare a liniilor 0,00 31U MBCONNECT - Protectie antifurt 0,00 325 Airbag central 0,00 32U Personalizare a sunetului 0,00 33B Manual utilizare si evidenta service in limba romana 0,00 351 Sistem de apel de urgenta Mercedes-Benz 0,00 355 Servicii MBUX extinse 0,00 365 Navigatie pe HDD 0,00 367 Preinstalare pentru Live Traffic Information 0,00 3V2 Indice de viteza si de incarcare 104Y XL 0,00 401 Scaune fata climatizate 0,00 421 9G-TRONIC 0,00 42U Functie de proiectare pentru simboluri 0,00 432 Pachet scaune multicontur active 2.000,00 436 Tetiere confort pentru scaunele fata 0,00 43U Functie de proiectare pentru animatii 0,00 443 Volan incalzit 0,00 475 Sistem de monitorizare a presiunii in roti 0,00 481 Scut protectie motor 130,00 489 AIRMATIC 0,00 502 Actualizari pentru COMAND 0,00 513 Asistent pentru semnele de circulatie 0,00 51B Clasare EURO-NCAP 0,00 534 Sistem multimedia MBUX 0,00 537 Radio digital 0,00 546 Asistent activ pentru limitarile de viteza 0,00 55U Plafon imbracat in stofa bej 0,00 581 Sistem de climatizare automata THERMOTRONIC 0,00 587 Lumina ambientala cu proiectie logo 0,00 596 URBAN GUARD burglary-resistant laminated safety glass with thermal and noise insulation 1.150,00 628 Asistent adaptiv pentru faza lunga Plus 0,00 682 Extinctor 120,00 6P5 Cod de control vanzari 475 0,00 70B Vesta reflectorizanta pentru sofer 5,00 726 Consola centrala cu aspect cristal negru 0,00 772 Pachet AMG Styling 0,00 79B Preinstalare pentru radio digital 0,00 7B4 WIPPS-Laender WEU+COC 0,00 803 Model de fabricatie 803 0,00 871 Acces HANDS-FREE 0,00 881 Portbagaj cu inchidere prin telecomanda 0,00 883 Inchidere asistata electric a portierelor 0,00 887 Incuietoare independenta pentru portbagaj 0,00 891 Lumina ambientala 0,00 897 Incarcare wireless pentru dispozitive mobile pentru locurile din fata 0,00 8B1 PTC-Zuheizer 12V 0,00 8U0 Spalare parbriz cu lichid incalzit 0,00 8U8 Sistem i-Size pentru scaun copil 0,00 902 Incalzire scaune Plus pentru locurile fata 0,00 906 Cotiera incalzita pentru locurile din fata 0,00 907 Cotiera centrala incalzita pentru locurile din fata si din spate 0,00 927 Standard emisii EURO6 0,00 942 Pachet depozitare 0,00 968 Document COC EU6 fara certificat de inregistrare partea a 2-a 0,00 971 Filtru de particule diesel 0,00 986 Eticheta cu seria de caroserie 0,00 989 Seria de sasiu vizibila sub parbriz 0,00 998 Cod control conversie WLTP cu RDE 0,00 B13 Protectie incarcare portbagaj din otel inoxidabil 0,00 E16 Set antifurt pentru jante aliaj 70,00 H02 Ornamente din lemn de plop poros 0,00 K14 Interval service 20,000 KM 0,00 K27 Program de control pentru pozitia D 0,00 K32 Asistent activ la schimbarea benzii 0,00 K33 Functie de repornire automata in blocajele de trafic 0,00 K34 Adaptarea vitezei in functie de ruta 0,00 K40 Rettungsgasse mit überfahren der Markierung Software 0,00 K41 Nothalt-Assistent mit Hands-off Spurwechsel Software 0,00 L Volan pe partea stanga 0,00 L5C Volan sport multifunctional imbracat in piele Nappa 0,00 LS1 Nivel de incarcare brut 1 0,00 P20 Pachet asistenta la conducere 0,00 233 Pilot mentinere distanta DISTRONIC 0,00 P21 Pachet AIR-BALANCE 0,00 P47 Pachet parcare cu camera 360° 0,00 235 Asistent activ la parcare cu PARKTRONIC 0,00 501 Camera 360° 0,00 P64 Pachet memorie 0,00 249 Oglinzile interioara si exterioara stanga, heliomate 0,00 275 Scaun sofer ajustabil electric cu functie de memorare 0,00 321 Scanner al amprentei 0,00 P69 Pachet incalzire confort 0,00 P82 URBAN GUARD Plus 0,00 551 Sistem antifurt cu preinstalare a detectarii coliziunilor 0,00 882 Sistem interior de monitorizare 0,00 PBG MBUX Navigation Premium 0,00 PYB Pachet Base 0,00 20U Preinstalare pentru transfer cheie digitala 0,00 34U Servicii remote Premium 0,00 384 Modul de internet LTE 0,00 72B Pachet USB Plus 0,00 868 Display central OLED 0,00 874 MAGIC VISION CONTROL 0,00 889 Sistem KEYLESS-GO cu manere retractabile 0,00 916 Rezervor cu capac
Dolj - CraiovaMercedes ML250 204Cp 4x4 EURO6 ILS /Park+Front+Sign+High Beam Assist/Parcheaza singur/Bi-Xenon/Navigatie/Tempomat/Comenzi volan/Piele+Alcantara...
Mercedes Benz - V-Class 300d AVG Extralung, an 2022, Euro 6, motor 1950 cmc diesel. 237 CP, 29.200 km, cutie de viteze automata...
Arges - PitestiMercedes Benz - V-Class 300d AVG Extralung, an 2022, Euro 6, motor 1950 cmc diesel. 237 CP, 29.200 km, cutie de viteze automata...
Arges - PitestiDescriere: Model diesel-hybrid , putere totala 302 CP, 700 NM; 0 – 100 km/h în 6,7 secunde ! Are autonomie pe electric de 55 km ! Grup motor foarte economic,...
Primul proprietar / V250 AMG Extralong 7+1 / se emite factura set roti iarna + vara aliaj incalzire auxiliara , faruri led Engine no. 44781513 Type V 250VKL/E4X2 3430 Special process code Technical Amendments Code A1M A50 BA3 BB6 BH1 BS1 CA1 CL1 CL3 CL4 CM2 CN1 CU1 C1L C70 C74 D12 D15 ED4 EI7 EL9 ES2 ES3 EY5 EY6 EZ6 EZ8 E07 E1D E1F E1T E34 E4S E6E E70 FB1 FB4 FC1 FG0 FK4 FP3 FS5 FZ8 FZ9 F3S F65 F66 F69 F72 G43 HH4 HI2 HX1 HY1 HZ0 HZ7 H00 H12 H20 IG4 IG5 IH6 IL2 IL4 JA1 JA7 JF1 JH3 JK5 JP1 JP2 JS1 JW5 JW8 JX2 J55 KB5 KL5 KP6 LA2 LB9 LC4 LC5 LC6 LC7 LC8 LC9 LE1 LG2 LG4 LG8 LP3 LX5 MG9 MJ2 MJ8 MS1 MT0 MU6 MX0 M3E M60 PS2 Q50 RD9 RK1 RK4 RM4 RM7 RY2 SA6 SB1 SB2 SH1 SH2 SH9 T14 T19 T70 T74 UR1 US4 US5 U73 VD7 VH1 V33 V36 V4Y V44 V85 WQ3 W16 W17 W32 W64 W70 XA5 XC9 XM0 XM8 XN0 XS3 XW5 XW9 XY1 XZ1 X99 YF3 Y10 Y36 Y44 ZG2 Z11 Z3N Z42 Description Code Description A1M Rear axle shaft without manufacturer name KP6 3rd generation SCR emission control system Code A50 Front axle with upgraded axle load LA2 Headlight assistant BA3 Active Brake Assist LB9 Exit lamps BB6 Compensation for brake booster failure LC4 Comfort overhead control panel BH1 HOLD function LC5 Ambient lighting in exterior mirrors BS1 Brake calipers with Mercedes-Benz lettering LC6 Illumin. in rear grab handle with reading light CA1 AGILITY CONTROL suspension LC7 Lighting for footwell, front CL1 Height and rake adjustable steering wheel LC8 Ambient lighting, liftgate CL3 Leather steering wheel LC9 Ambient lighting in cockpit 10.11.2020 13:07 Page 1 From 3 Orderdata (Order 5056795161) CL4 Multifunction steering wheel with trip computer LE1 Adaptive brake light CM2 Bumpers/detachable body parts painted body colour LG2 LED Intelligent Light System CN1 Sill, exterior LG4 LED tail lamps, brake lamps and indicators CU1 Aerodynamic underbody panelling LG8 Highbeam Assist PLUS C1L AMG front bumper with black trim elements LP3 Interior Light package C70 Pedestrian protection LX5 Europe C74 Mercedes-Benz lettering at entrance, illuminated MG9 Alternatormanagement D12 Roof rails MJ2 ECO display D15 Carrier bars MJ8 ECO start/stop function ED4 heavy-duty battery MS1 Cruise control EI7 Pre-installation for Entertainment and Comfort MT0 Emissions category Euro 6d-TEMP M/N1 GR.II EL9 2-way loudspeakers, front and rear MU6 Engine OM 654 DE 20 LA 140 kW (190 hp) ES2 12 V plug socket in trunk / load compartment MX0 BlueEFFICIENCY package ES3 12 V outlets for rear seat row, right and left M3E Suction-type fan, electric, power stage 5 EY5 Mercedes-Benz emergency call system M60 Alternator 14 V / 250 A EY6 Breakdown management PS2 AMG Line EZ6 Parking package w. 360 -camera Q50 Trailer coupling ball headed removable EZ8 PARKTRONIC RD9 Tyres without name of make E07 Hill-Start Assist RK1 Tyres 245/45 R19 E1D Digital radio (DAB) RK4 AMG light-alloy wheels 8 J x 19, high-sheen E1F Display diagonal 26 cm (10.25") RM4 Comfort tyres E1T Touchpad RM7 Summer tyres E34 Buffer starter battery RY2 Tyre pressure monitoring front/rear, wireless E4S Smartphone Integration package SA6 Airbag, co-driver E6E MBUX multimedia system Entry SB1 Comfort driver's seat E70 Switch position lower control panel SB2 Comfort co-driver's seat FB1 AMG trim SH1 Thorax-pelvis sidebag, driver FB4 AMG spoiler lip on boot lid SH2 Thorax-pelvis sidebag, co-driver FC1 Electronic chrome-look key SH9 Windowbags for driver and co-driver FG0 Centre console with sliding cover T14 Active retainer for sliding door FK4 Radiator grille painted black T19 Sliding door left FP3 Mirror package T70 Child safety locks in passenger compartment doors FS5 Illuminated vanity mirrors for sun visors T74 Handle for entrance FZ8 Convenience opening and closing w. IR remote ctrl. UR1 Seat rail system with quick-locking FZ9 Two additional master keys US4 3-seater Comfort bench 1st row w. folding outer se F3S Exterior mirrors painted black US5 3-seater comfort bench 2nd row w. folding outer F65 Exterior mirror, automatically folding U73 Armrests for passenger compartment seats F66 Locking glove compartment VD7 Roof liner black F69 Ext. mirrors, heated, elec. adj. w. integr. indic. VH1 Grab handles in rear F72 Automatically dimming exterior mirror V33 Carpet in the rear G43 9G-TRONIC V36 Panelling under roof HH4 THERMOTRONIC automatic climate control V4Y Fabric Santos black HI2 Climate zone 2 (moderate) V44 Carpet in interior at front HX1 Refrigerant R-1234yf V85 Smoker package HY1 Radio remote control for aux. water heater WQ3 Steuercode Vertrieb HZ0 Electrical auxiliary heating W16 Window front left, fixed, in sidewall/sliding door 10.11.2020 13:07 Page 2 From 3 Orderdata (Order 5056795161) HZ7 Air con., semi-autom., TEMPMATIC in rear W17 Window front right, fixed, in sidew./sliding door H00 Hot-air duct to passenger compartment W32 Electr. rear vent window in pass. comp. H12 Auxiliary hot-water heater W64 Separately opening rear window H20 Heat-i
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiPrimul proprietar / V250 AMG Extralong 7+1 / se emite factura set roti iarna + vara aliaj incalzire auxiliara , faruri led Engine no. 44781513 Type V 250VKL/E4X2 3430 Special process code Technical Amendments Code A1M A50 BA3 BB6 BH1 BS1 CA1 CL1 CL3 CL4 CM2 CN1 CU1 C1L C70 C74 D12 D15 ED4 EI7 EL9 ES2 ES3 EY5 EY6 EZ6 EZ8 E07 E1D E1F E1T E34 E4S E6E E70 FB1 FB4 FC1 FG0 FK4 FP3 FS5 FZ8 FZ9 F3S F65 F66 F69 F72 G43 HH4 HI2 HX1 HY1 HZ0 HZ7 H00 H12 H20 IG4 IG5 IH6 IL2 IL4 JA1 JA7 JF1 JH3 JK5 JP1 JP2 JS1 JW5 JW8 JX2 J55 KB5 KL5 KP6 LA2 LB9 LC4 LC5 LC6 LC7 LC8 LC9 LE1 LG2 LG4 LG8 LP3 LX5 MG9 MJ2 MJ8 MS1 MT0 MU6 MX0 M3E M60 PS2 Q50 RD9 RK1 RK4 RM4 RM7 RY2 SA6 SB1 SB2 SH1 SH2 SH9 T14 T19 T70 T74 UR1 US4 US5 U73 VD7 VH1 V33 V36 V4Y V44 V85 WQ3 W16 W17 W32 W64 W70 XA5 XC9 XM0 XM8 XN0 XS3 XW5 XW9 XY1 XZ1 X99 YF3 Y10 Y36 Y44 ZG2 Z11 Z3N Z42 Description Code Description A1M Rear axle shaft without manufacturer name KP6 3rd generation SCR emission control system Code A50 Front axle with upgraded axle load LA2 Headlight assistant BA3 Active Brake Assist LB9 Exit lamps BB6 Compensation for brake booster failure LC4 Comfort overhead control panel BH1 HOLD function LC5 Ambient lighting in exterior mirrors BS1 Brake calipers with Mercedes-Benz lettering LC6 Illumin. in rear grab handle with reading light CA1 AGILITY CONTROL suspension LC7 Lighting for footwell, front CL1 Height and rake adjustable steering wheel LC8 Ambient lighting, liftgate CL3 Leather steering wheel LC9 Ambient lighting in cockpit 10.11.2020 13:07 Page 1 From 3 Orderdata (Order 5056795161) CL4 Multifunction steering wheel with trip computer LE1 Adaptive brake light CM2 Bumpers/detachable body parts painted body colour LG2 LED Intelligent Light System CN1 Sill, exterior LG4 LED tail lamps, brake lamps and indicators CU1 Aerodynamic underbody panelling LG8 Highbeam Assist PLUS C1L AMG front bumper with black trim elements LP3 Interior Light package C70 Pedestrian protection LX5 Europe C74 Mercedes-Benz lettering at entrance, illuminated MG9 Alternatormanagement D12 Roof rails MJ2 ECO display D15 Carrier bars MJ8 ECO start/stop function ED4 heavy-duty battery MS1 Cruise control EI7 Pre-installation for Entertainment and Comfort MT0 Emissions category Euro 6d-TEMP M/N1 GR.II EL9 2-way loudspeakers, front and rear MU6 Engine OM 654 DE 20 LA 140 kW (190 hp) ES2 12 V plug socket in trunk / load compartment MX0 BlueEFFICIENCY package ES3 12 V outlets for rear seat row, right and left M3E Suction-type fan, electric, power stage 5 EY5 Mercedes-Benz emergency call system M60 Alternator 14 V / 250 A EY6 Breakdown management PS2 AMG Line EZ6 Parking package w. 360 -camera Q50 Trailer coupling ball headed removable EZ8 PARKTRONIC RD9 Tyres without name of make E07 Hill-Start Assist RK1 Tyres 245/45 R19 E1D Digital radio (DAB) RK4 AMG light-alloy wheels 8 J x 19, high-sheen E1F Display diagonal 26 cm (10.25") RM4 Comfort tyres E1T Touchpad RM7 Summer tyres E34 Buffer starter battery RY2 Tyre pressure monitoring front/rear, wireless E4S Smartphone Integration package SA6 Airbag, co-driver E6E MBUX multimedia system Entry SB1 Comfort driver's seat E70 Switch position lower control panel SB2 Comfort co-driver's seat FB1 AMG trim SH1 Thorax-pelvis sidebag, driver FB4 AMG spoiler lip on boot lid SH2 Thorax-pelvis sidebag, co-driver FC1 Electronic chrome-look key SH9 Windowbags for driver and co-driver FG0 Centre console with sliding cover T14 Active retainer for sliding door FK4 Radiator grille painted black T19 Sliding door left FP3 Mirror package T70 Child safety locks in passenger compartment doors FS5 Illuminated vanity mirrors for sun visors T74 Handle for entrance FZ8 Convenience opening and closing w. IR remote ctrl. UR1 Seat rail system with quick-locking FZ9 Two additional master keys US4 3-seater Comfort bench 1st row w. folding outer se F3S Exterior mirrors painted black US5 3-seater comfort bench 2nd row w. folding outer F65 Exterior mirror, automatically folding U73 Armrests for passenger compartment seats F66 Locking glove compartment VD7 Roof liner black F69 Ext. mirrors, heated, elec. adj. w. integr. indic. VH1 Grab handles in rear F72 Automatically dimming exterior mirror V33 Carpet in the rear G43 9G-TRONIC V36 Panelling under roof HH4 THERMOTRONIC automatic climate control V4Y Fabric Santos black HI2 Climate zone 2 (moderate) V44 Carpet in interior at front HX1 Refrigerant R-1234yf V85 Smoker package HY1 Radio remote control for aux. water heater WQ3 Steuercode Vertrieb HZ0 Electrical auxiliary heating W16 Window front left, fixed, in sidewall/sliding door 10.11.2020 13:07 Page 2 From 3 Orderdata (Order 5056795161) HZ7 Air con., semi-autom., TEMPMATIC in rear W17 Window front right, fixed, in sidew./sliding door H00 Hot-air duct to passenger compartment W32 Electr. rear vent window in pass. comp. H12 Auxiliary hot-water heater W64 Separately opening rear window H20 Heat-i
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiPret de lista: 72790 Euro Exterior / vopsea: • 859 Vopsea metalizata argintiu Mojave • RSK Jante AMG din aliaj 45.7 cm (18´´), design 5 spite • 840 Geamuri...
VranceaGarantie 2 ani Pret de lista: 80950 Euro Exterior / Vopsea: • 992 Vopsea metalizata gri Selenite • 840 Geamuri laterale spate si luneta cu tenta inchisa •...
AradPret de lista: 277958 € Exterior / Vopsea: • 197 Vopsea metalizata negru Obsidian • 802 Vopsea metalizata MANUFAKTUR auriu Kalahari • R65 Jante Maybach...
Dolj - CraiovaMultumim pentru incredere! Leasing / finantare cu aprobare imediata Masina disponibila pentru livrare Garantie producator Mercedes-Benz...
BucurestiExterior / Vopsea: • 149 Vopsea nemetalizata alb Polar • R82 Jante din aliaj 48.3 cm (19´´), design 5 spite • 725 Bare longitudinale plafon din aluminiu...
BucurestiExterior / Vopsea: • 831 Vopsea metalizata gri Graphit • RVP Jante AMG din aliaj 50.8 cm (20´´), vopsite negru, design multispite • 720 Bare longitudinale...
BoroaiaMERCEDES G 400 d CLASA G STATION WAGON BROAD Culoare Negru obsidian metalic (197) Interior piele...
Ilfov - OtopeniUnic proprietar in Romania Prima inmatriculare in Ro in 2020 Stare impecabila exterior interior Motorizare 450 cp Benzina V6 Biturbo 2996 cc - 333 cp Electric...
BacauAlertați-mă atunci când există noi listări pentru "mercedes benz clasa s 580e 4matic l 9g tronic".
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